They are women – hear them roar

Zee Fossett

The power of a woman is undeniable. It is her inward strength that is impossible to measure and her place in the timeline of evolution that cannot be substituted by any other being.

Each person you know was born from a woman. At one point in time, we were all covered in our mother’s afterbirth, being removed directly from her womb or making our way, head first hopefully, out of her vagina.

Giving birth is just one of the magnificent abilities of a woman. It’s similar to a super power. Being a spousal and/or parental support system while maintaining a grounded sense of self as the child grows is even harder than bearing contractions and pushing.

Women carry our existence, as we understand it, for they embody the succession of the human race. If infinity is a magical doorway that keeps everyone believing in the idea of “forever,” then women are the sole key leading to the other side.

No woman needs a man in order to create life. All she needs is a man’s sperm, if artificial insemination is her choice. New research shows, as well, that two women can also have children together through the success of an in-depth procedure called parthenogenesis. This requires no sperm at all.

Women are amazing, simply put. And although Women’s History Month was last month, I felt as if a bit of the spirit should be reiterated just because it’s that marvelous.

As women’s roles in society continue to change face, I’m able to see more of the ways in which we are evolving and soaring beyond the boundaries many believed we’d ever know even existed.

Despite abuse and trafficking and other related unfortunate occurrences, we outnumber men and are climbing ladders even through glass ceilings. We are activists and advocates for our own.

The history of women is one to be celebrated. for it denotes the fall and continuing rise of a queendom of evanescence.

We have mastered long-term tasks such as managing the home, educating children and caring for the family at large. We have created choice for ourselves and although it is unfortunate all rights weren’t always equal, I am happy to witness change happening.

I’ve heard lots of men say women are crazy. If we’ve fallen off the rocker it’s by no fault of our own though.

Women might have to fight it out after first impressions, just like female crayfish. We may even find ourselves swallowing our young whole (in efforts to rescue them from a sick world, inclusive of a society swollen with predators or to save ourselves from death via hunger), just like female crocodiles.

If we are crazy, it’s with good intent, accompanied by the adjectives “sexy” and “cool” (TLC) and most of the time with solid ideas about what the exact repercussions for our actions will be.

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