?An Ode to the Full-Time Student

Welcome back, beloved peers. As Winter finally begins to fade into Spring (crossing fingers, knocking on wood, etc.), we can see that small light at the end of the tunnel. The finish line is close. The school year will end, and that day is creeping up quickly on our calendars.

It makes all of the end-of-the-year papers, projects, and exams worth it. Shovel it on, professors, nothing can stop us now.

That’s easy for me to say, though, because I only take two courses a semester. That’s right, six credits, and I’ll be honest, there are many times I find myself overwhelmed with only that. I look at the people around me who are working as much as I do, partaking in extra-curricular activities as I do, and are also excelling in 4 or 5 classes. I’m serious when I say this: you full-time students are rock stars.

My hope is that you give yourself credit for doing what you’re doing. Now, if you’re the student doing terribly in school and all you do is party and you’re pissing away mom and dad’s money – you aren’t included in this. But to those of you who have put in the hard work and serious dedication to being successful as a full-time student – awesome job. There are people who cannot do it, who crumble under that kind of workload. It’s not easy.

I can’t promise you a life without worry, but I can tell you that you will never regret the efforts you are making now.

So as it continues to warm up (more crossing of fingers) and the urge to do anything else that isn’t school related takes over your entire soul, remember that you are almost there. Almost finished. You can do it. Now get back to studying.