News Briefs: Study abroad first step meeting

Student Senate General Assembly

The Grand Valley State University Student Senate will meet today from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in Room 2204 in the Kirkhof Center. The general assembly meetings will occur every Thursday throughout the school year. At each session, the senate will discuss and vote on any prominent issues. There will be guest speakers from the university community and audience members will have three opportunities to voice any comments or concerns they may have directly to the senate. For more information, visit

Study abroad first step meeting

The Grand Valley State University Padnos International Center will hold its first Thursday meeting of the year today at 5 p.m. in the Mary Idema Pew Library’s exhibition space, located in Room 040 on the atrium level. Students interested in studying abroad can attend to learn more about choosing a program and the funding options available, including scholarships and grants. For more information, visit For an online version of the presentation, visit

International Faculty & Friends Opening Reception

The Padnos International Center at Grand Valley State University is hosting an international reception at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 3. Eighteen percent of GVSU faculty is from all over the world. Students, as well as other faculty and staff, can attend to celebrate diversity on campus.

The International Faculty and Friends organization has been at GVSU for seven years. Events such as this reception are held to share stories of different cultures as a way to foster a multicultural education. For more information, visit